Numeracy Apps

As an addition to Mathletics we also use some other iPad apps to support our numeracy program.  We have found Little Monkey Apps particularly engaging, easy to use and educational.  They explore a variety of maths skills such as subitising, tens frames, place value, number lines, money, and reading and writing numbers.

The apps range between $1-$3 if any parents are interested in downloading them (link below).  They seem to be available on Android and Apple. We recommend the ‘Friends of Ten’ and ‘Mystery Number’.

Another free App that would assist your child in Maths is ‘Tens Frame Snap LITE’ which is free and will assist your child in matching numbers, adding them and finding the difference.

The link below is for parent helpers for the last three weeks of term. Please add your name to any sessions you can assist with and ensure the office has a copy of your Working with Children’s Check.

Nancy and Katrina


We would like to remind everyone that swimming starts next Monday the 16th of May. We will be swimming Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two weeks. Please remember to send your child’s swimming clothes in a separate (named) bag and include the following;

  • bathers
  • goggles (if needed)
  • towel
  • underwear and a spare pair is always a good idea!
  • hairbrush (if needed)

Students will need to wear normal school shoes and will be barefoot at the pool so don’t require any other shoes during swimming. We will be leaving school after recess so you may want to pack their bathers if using the toilet will be an issue for them during the morning.

It is important that you label all clothing as it frequently goes missing during swimming. We have a laundry marker in the classroom if you need it. Also, please ensure you pack a little extra food for your child during swimming as they are generally a bit hungrier. They will be eating a larger snack in the morning and a later lunch on swimming days.

Students will be all be encouraged to change with minimal assistance so if you think this may be an issue, please encourage them to practise dressing and undressing themselves at home to assist us during swimming.

We have placed the roster for helpers on the notice board outside the room although any parents or relatives are welcome to come to GSAC during swimming to assist.

Nancy and Katrina



Katrina, myself and all the Foundation students would like to say a big THANKS to Sarah and Miria for coordinating our dance for the Fete on Sunday. The students all enjoyed learning the dance at school and everyone who turned up on Sunday did a wonderful job!

Foundation Dance