Quick Update: Production & Term 3 Inquiry

Greetings Parents and Carers,

Reminding you all that we need to have your child’s costume in a named bag (preferably named clothing too!) by the end of this week/early next week.By now you should have all received inspiration sheets- these are on display outside Miss Dominique’s room for reference also.

We are discussing the concept of health, growth and change in our Inquiry this term. Would you be able to email/send in a copy of a baby photo of your child for a wall display (ie: not an original photo that we need to return)?  Our students are very keen to share their baby photos with each other and this will help them reflect on how much they have changed over the years!

Thank you all,

Rebecca, Lucy and Dominique

100 Days of School Celebration

Dear parents and carers,

My how time has flown! Next week, on Wednesday the 31st of July, our Foundation students will be celebrating their first 100 days of school…

To help us get into a festive mood, please help your child come up with a costume that represents 100 in some way! Some examples to spark your creativity: 100 safety pins on a t-shirt; dressed as a 100 year old person; a t-shirt with the number 100 drawn on it. However, if nothing comes to mind, students can just dress up in something fun.

We have a wonderful day planned with a range of activities where we will exploring this VERY BIG NUMBER!

At 3.10 pm a parade will be held (weather permitting) on the oval, we hope that you can join us!

Rebecca, Dominique and Lucy

Welcome To Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3!

It was wonderful to see the students eager to be back and well rested. We hope you had a wonderful break.

There are a few updates/items that we would like to inform you of.

  1. If you haven’t booked in for a ‘three way conference’ then please do so immediately.
  2. Student’s portfolios need to be returned.
  3. New take home books have been purchased and they are a fantastic resource to help your child with reading at home. We ask that you ensure they are looked after.
  4. We are trialling independent reading in the classroom. Students each have their own book box with books of interest to them. Independent reading is a time for students to practice reading strategies that have been taught in class. The student’s books are not levelled at this time. It is about pure enjoyment for reading, whilst practising strategies in a supported environment. Students are allowed to bring books from home to put in their box. They need to be named and will only be in your child’s book box, not in the classroom library. Please note we are not asking you to buy books.
  5. Reading helpers are encouraged and the sign up sheet is outside the foundation classrooms.
  6. Costumes for the school production ‘Sunnyville’ need to be organised. Please refer to posters in the classrooms. In brief, students need to wear bright coloured tops with black pants.
  7. In the coming weeks we will be introducing i-pads into the classroom and exploring the concepts of Cyber Safety. The students will be using Apps to promote fluency in targeted numeracy and literacy concepts. Please see this link if you are curious about Cybersafety: https://www.esafety.gov.au/education-resources/classroom-resources/hectors-world

This term, we look forward to learning about a number of topics and consolidating students’ understanding of previously learnt concepts. Our big idea for Inquiry this term is ‘We can keep our bodies healthy as we grow and change.’ It will involve an excursion to Bounce later on in the term! More detail to come later.

In Maths, we will begin to discuss taking away (subtraction), Students will be acting out/modelling addition and subtraction stories.