Term 2 Update

Hello all,

We hope Term 2 has started off happily for you all. It’s good to be back in the routine and we have some updates to share with you.

This term we will be learning about Community Helpers for our Inquiry topic. On Wednesday 8th May at 9am our Foundation classes will be meeting together to discuss how different people in our community help us everyday. If you are someone who helps in our community (nurse, teacher, shop keeper, builder, paramedic, hairdresser etc) please come in to share about how you help in your community. Children get so excited when their family members visit.

We welcome reading helpers to visit the classrooms again to assist with one-to-one reading. Each class will have a sign up sheet for the term dates to record names to assist. We also invite help in the Tuesday Library times. There are new times this term that we visit the Library:

Foundation A: Tuesday 11:10- 12pm

Foundation B: Tuesday 1:50- 2:40pm

Foundation C: Tuesday 2:40- 3:30pm

Thanks again,

Rebecca, Lucy and Dominique

End of Term 1

Hi all,

We have reached the end of term 1- hard to believe! We have loved getting to know the Foundation students over the term. We have made lots of start-to-school memories and had lots of fun so far!

In regards to learning, some families have asked about sight words, also known as high frequency words (hfw). These are the most commonly used words we need to remember to read well and fluently. We have attached a link to a file which will provide the first 200 words in the Oxford Sight Words resource we use here at RPS.

In Foundation however, the first 100 are our focus and repeated practice will assist in recall. All students learn at different rates and there is no pressure to be working at home on these. We are embedding discussion  and recall into reading lessons. Some parent helpers during reading times will be asked to work on as of Term 2. If you would like a hard copy of these, please ask us. If you have any further questions regarding the sight words, please don’t hesitate to ask us your questions next term!

Oxford HFW vmc-2084hjp

We hope that you all have a restful break and thank you for your support of Foundation at RPS so far!

Happy holidays,

Dominique, Lucy and Rebecca